PM 2.5
This air pollution in Thailand is very severe and dangerous. It is called PM 2.5 . PM stands for PARTICULATE MATTER. And 2.5 is the size of the particles . It is very small and cause severe damage to our lungs.
This problem is bothering everyone. From now, we need to wear mask everyday and it is not a normal mask but it is the N95 mask which is pretty thick and annoying
This is how it looks.
Some school in Bangkok even have to stop and take a break because of the PM2.5 . It could cause lung cancer, too. The particles will be stuck in your lungs and it will not come out over time.
This PM2.5 is caused by Toxic gases and other small dust caused by humans.
This is the problem caused by PM2.5
So do not forget to wear your mask all the time when you are out in Bangkok. Take care of yourself and other.
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